Voditelj Giorgio Marchetti ostao je u šoku nakon što je uz Villarreal izvučen Manchester United. Kako su ove dvije ekipe igrale u istoj grupi, nije se moglo dogoditi da se sastanu u osmini finala.
Prilikom izvlačenja parova kuglica Uniteda nije ni trebala biti u bubnju dok se tražio rival Villarrealu, pa nije jasno kako se ovako veliki propust dogodio.
Clubs involved in Champions League draw mistake are in direct contact with Uefa to clarify the situation. Still waiting for final decision. 🔴 #UCL
— Fabrizio Romano (@FabrizioRomano) December 13, 2021
This is what happened, via @mjcritchley ⤵️pic.twitter.com/zlFxP7C8OO
Official. Champions League draw will be repeated today. 🔴 #UCL
— Fabrizio Romano (@FabrizioRomano) December 13, 2021
“Following a technical problem, the draw has been declared void and will be entirely redone at 1500 CET”, UEFA announces.