Zašto je poništen pogodak Ekvadora u trećoj minuti prve utakmice Svjetskog prvenstva

Naime, ekvadorski napadač Enner Valencia dao je pogodak u trećoj minutu, a iako su mnogi smatrali da je sve čisto, Orsato ga je ipak poništio.
This is how the first offside was justified, when he’s touched the ball not when it was played… comical #qatar #ecuador #FIFAWorldCup
— FootballPrinted (@FootballPrinted) November 20, 2022
Naime, u trenutku u kojem je golman Katara ušao u duel s igračem Ekvadora Felixom Torresom, lopta se odbila do Michaela Estrade i vratila se do Torresa.
This is the picture for the offside. When the Ecuador player touched the ball colliding with the keeper, the Ecuador player who touched it next was offside (there was just 1 Qatari player behind the keeper so its deemed offside) according to the offside laws but super tight
— Youssef Rachdi (@Youssefrachdi) November 20, 2022
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