Rumuni planiraju zaštitne mjere za stanovnike nakon pada ruskih dronova u blizini granice

Rumunsko ministarstvo nacionalne odbrane procijenit će i utvrditi područja na teritoriju Rumunije u blizini zona sukoba Reni i Ismail.
#Romania is considering evacuating residents of the border village of Plauru due to the Russian attacks
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) September 7, 2023
The village is located opposite the town of Izmail in Odesa Region, #Ukraine. Local residents complain that Russian drones attacking the port in Izmail are flying over their…
Ministarstvo nacionalne odbrane će također izgraditi skloništa za stanovništvo u Plauru i Ceatalchioi, te naseljima s vrlo malo stanovnika.
⚡️Geolocated images from August 3/4 proving that a Russian drone did crash in a Romanian field near the border with Ukraine in the Odesa region
— War Monitor (@WarMonitors) September 7, 2023
NATO said earlier today that they do not “have any indication of an intentional attack of Russia on Romania”
45.328864 28.803601
U područja gdje GPS pokrivenost trenutno nije dostupna bit će poslane ekipe koje će upozoriti stanovništvo na potencijalnu opasnost.