Haotično na aerodromu u Dagestanu: Okružili avione i tražili putnike iz Tel Aviva

Na videosnimcima objavljenima na društvenim mrežama, čija autentičnost još nije potvrđena, vidi se spomenuta grupa osoba koja trči aerodromom u Mahačkali, uzvikujući antisemitske slogane. Neki od njih su istrčali na aerodromsku pistu i okružili su avione.
When word spread that a plane from Tel Aviv was landing in Dagestan, Russia, a mob stormed the airport in what can only be described as a modern-day pogrom. pic.twitter.com/1G6phfdraz
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) October 29, 2023
🇷🇺🇮🇱 Muslims in Dagestan, Russia STORM the airport at which a flight from ISRAEL is currently arriving! pic.twitter.com/Ez7xwmJhNL
— Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸 (@jacksonhinklle) October 29, 2023
The hunt for Jews at the airport in Dagestan continues, to the soundtrack of “Allahu Akbar” screams. They even look into the plane’s engines, maybe someone is hiding there. Pogroms, a proud Russian tradition, now carried out by Muslim mobs running free with zero police presence pic.twitter.com/XaH3z9OvtH
— Boaz Arad 博雅 (@aradboaz) October 29, 2023