Swimsuit Issue

Najbolje prijateljice pozirale za Sport Ilustrated kako bi pokazale da su svi različiti i lijepi

Georgia Gibbs i Kate Wasley su najbolje prijateljice i modeli koji su zajedno pozirali za Swimsuit Issue Sports Ilustrateda. Pažnju su privukle još u martu kada je njihov Instagram post postao viralan, jer su mnogi mislili da je Gibbs koristila Photoshop kako bi izgledala mršavije, a ustvari je pored nje stajala Wasely.

Gibbs je objasnila da su ljudi mislili da je "sredila" fotografiju kako bi se bolje osjećala i kaže da joj je to slomilo srce, ali i pomoglo njoj i Wesely da naprave zajednički Instagram profil i web stranicu "Any Body" kako bi promovisale ljepotu ženskih tijela, svih veličina.

Where it all started ^ We posted this picture online, just as best friends going out on the weekend, it got reposted a lot and the controversy started.. You have photoshopped yourself thinner or your friend bigger, what kind of friend are you? Was one of the comments, it broke my heart because Kate and I are best friends why would I do that? The fact that a simple picture of two people together went so viral purely because of their body types shocked me... and @any.body_co was created because no one should have to deal with that and it shouldn't even be acknowledged, all I see here is two women.. not one "skinny" woman and one "curvy" woman, stop comparing everyone to each other and accept every person as beautiful in their own right. #loveanyBODY

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Dvojac je uskoro privukao veliku pažnju, a u septembru su krasile naslovnicu australskog magazina Health & Fitness.

So yesterday, this happened... @whandfmag 💕 Not for us, for all the women that have looked at magazines and questioned if they are enough, YOUR ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH 💗💗 Two non 'fitness' models, covered a health and fitness magazine? Why? Because this AMAZING magazine shares our message that health comes in a variety of shapes and sizes and there isn't one body shape to call yourself 'fit' ✨ Mental, physical and spiritual WELLNESS is what we determine as 'health' and this is why it's time to #QuitTheComparisons and choose to LOVE yourself & #LoveAnyBODY 🌈 Thank you giving us this opportunity @whandfmag and showing ALL women that no matter your shape or size you are ENOUGH. ❤️ #BeautyWithNoBoundaries #HealthOverSize #Happy #Healthy #Confident @any.body_co 💗

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"Ne možemo vam reći koliko je lijepo vidjeti da je toliko vas priglilo svoje tijelo", napisale su na Instagramu.

Najuzbudljiviji trenutak njihove karijere svakako je poziranje za Sport Ilustrated koje su djevojke uradile na Arubi.

Georgia i Kate su pokazale da su sve osobe različite i lijepe na svoj način.