Bradley Cooper otvorio restoran u New Yorku, u ponudi samo jedno jelo

Naime, Cooper se udružio s Dannyjem DiGiampietrom, vlasnikom poznate filadelfijske pizzerije Angelo's, te zajedno su odlučili ponuditi posjetiteljima samo jedno jelo - legendarni Philly Cheesesteak.
Philly Cheesesteak je kultni američki sendvič koji potiče iz Philadelphije. Nastao je 1930-ih godina na jednom uličnom kiosku, kada su braća Pat i Harry Olivieri, koji su inače prodavali hot dogove, odlučili eksperimentirati s tanko narezanim odrescima junećeg mesa.
@exploringwithjaylynn Bradley Cooper is not only a good actor but a good cook apparently! Today I’m trying his Philly cheesesteak as he has a pop up over the weekend in the East village! I got there an hour and 15 minutes before they opened and there was already someone waiting for four hours! Thankfully there wasn’t a big line when I got there but it was freezing. I couldn’t even use my phone because my fingers felt like they were going to fall off. Thankfully after an hour, Bradley came out and said let’s eat! It was so busy and the space was tiny but it was worth the wait!! I loved the meat and cheese but wish there was some more cheese! The bread was food but nothing to die for but the sweet peppers with it made it so much better! Overall 8.5/10 +++ Hi! If you’re new here, I am Jaylynn, I post content mainly on food and activities! I am based in the NYC and NJ area. I love traveling, eating out, and just exploring! Let me know anything you’d like to see and thank you for liking and supporting me #nycspots #nyceats #contentcreator #food reviews #njeats #newyorkfoodblogger #eats #njdatenight #njfoodspots #nycfoodspots #njlocalspots #foodstagram #viralfood #eats #njfoodspots #njlife #njisntboring #njrestaurants #njcontentcreator #njthingstodo #njisfun #njactivities #njfoodie #njspots #njdatenight #njrestaurants #datenight #njfoodie #angeloscheesesteak #bradleycooper #cheesesteak #phillycheesesteak ♬ original sound - exploringwithjaylynn
Ovaj sendvič postao je toliko popularan da je ubrzo osvojio i šire tržište te postao pravi turistički simbol. Ovaj restoran nije njihov prvi zajednički projekt, jer su prošle zime organizirali pop-up food cart u New Yorku, gdje su pripremali isti Philly Cheesesteak i sav prihod donirali u humanitarne svrhe.
Otvorenje restorana izazvalo je veliku pažnju, a mnogi posjetitelji su dijelili svoje iskustvo na društvenim mrežama. Jedna od njih ispričala je kako je stajala u redu više od sat vremena prije otvorenja, a kad je ušla, prostor restorana bio je mali i krcat, gotovo poput noćnog kluba.
Ipak, narudžbe su išle brzo, a Bradley Cooper je lično pripremao sendviče i pozdravljao goste.