Zbog bizarnog načina na koji je uhapšen ljudi ne prestaju zbijati šale na račun Andrewa Tatea

Naime, u dvominutnom snimku u kojem vrijeđa Gretu, Tate je snimljen s kutijama od pizze, a ispalo je da je riječ o pizzeriji Jerry's, koja radi na području Bukurešta.
Zbog bizarnog načina pomoću kojeg je policija otkrila njegovu lokaciju, korisnici društvenih mreža počeli su nemilosrdno ismijavati zloglasnog influencera.
Izdvojili smo neke od najboljih memova s Twittera.
As with all Andrew Tate memes, the joke writes itself pic.twitter.com/hZgOo19rRd
— Nick Del Mastro (@NicholasDelMas0) December 30, 2022
“Everything that happens to you is your fault. If you lost, then at some point you made a mistake.” - Andrew Tate ♟️
— Meme & Troll 🗿 (@MemeAndTroll) December 30, 2022
Top G gave away his whereabouts by showing Romanian pizza in a video response to Greta Thunberg and got arrested 🚔 pic.twitter.com/OE1i7fSsIY
I'm sorry this Andrew Tate news story was too good it deserves so many memes so I made one: pic.twitter.com/atukgamU4d
— Monica (@Monica_ion) December 29, 2022
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 this has to be the funniest #AndrewTate meme! pic.twitter.com/GETX4ipI5l
— WhoIsHumphreyAnyway? (@Iam_Humphrey) December 30, 2022
i found this meme on the book face of Andrew tate. it's great. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 pic.twitter.com/K92Ie588Ka
Romanian police as soon as they saw the video#AndrewTate #AndrewTaint pic.twitter.com/gfiRM6l33l
— Ankur Syal (@ank_syal) December 30, 2022
Inače, Tate je uhapšen s bratom Tristanom i provest će 24 sata u pritvoru zbog optužbi za silovanje i trgovinu ljudima.