Čovjek koji je razotkrio City je u zatvoru, a Twitterom se širi poruka "oslobodite Pinta"

Rui Pinto je čovjek koji je razotkrio Manchester City. On je haker koji je napravio web stranicu Football Leaks i koji je medijima proslijedio veliki broj dokumenata koji dokazuju poreske prevare nogometnih zvijezda i klubova. Medijski velikani poput Der Spiegela, Mediaparta, El Munda, Expressa i Le Soira objavili su seriju tekstova nakon provedenih istraga 2016. i 2018. godine.
Man City getting a 2 year European football ban, plus a more than likely Premier League points deduction this season 😍🙌🏽 #FreePinto pic.twitter.com/PfkB4zYM8j
— Jack Arra 🇦🇱🇮🇪 (@Jack27Arra) February 14, 2020
Football Leaks have been the best thing to happen to football. Feel so bad the whistleblower rui pinto is wasting away in prison for releasing all these documents and emails from these clubs which are now being used to bring them to “justice”.
— Moby (@Mobyhaque1) February 14, 2020
Why is Rui Pinto in prison? #FreePinto
— Emmanuel K. Dogbevi (@EmmanuelDogbevi) February 15, 2020
— Ghirish Ramsawock (@TSAR22) February 15, 2020
If not for Pinto's 'hacking', man city would have gotten away with breaking financial fair play, even with the so called investigators carrying out their jobs. So, release Pinto.
Respect to this legend, exposed city for what they are. He's a true hero for football#freepinto #TaintedTrophies #TaintedCenturions #taintedclub #TaintedTreble #TaintedTeam pic.twitter.com/UM8XQB43Zc
— Sim (@reallifeofsim) February 15, 2020
#freepinto because monitors do not always find foul play. Compliance missed Man City so whistleblowers should be protected, not jailed.
— Jason Cobine (@jasoncobine) February 15, 2020
Nogometni navijači širom svijeta Pinta smatraju herojem, a ne kriminalcem.