U Burnleyu ogorčeni
Iznad Etihada letio avion s porukom "White lives matter", odgovorni će biti kažnjeni
F. Z.

Avion iznad Etihada (Foto: EPA-EFE)
Nogometaši Manchester Cityja dočekali su sinoć na stadionu Etihad u 30. kolu engleskog Premiershipa Burnley, a u jednom trenutku iznad stadiona Građana letio je avion s porukom: "White lives matter Burnley" (Bijeli životi su bitni Burnley).
Avion se mogao čuti i u TV prijenosu prvih 30 minuta, a na poluvremenu utakmice oglasili su se iz redova tima s Turf Moora.
— Thick Accent (@Thick_Accent) June 22, 2020
Plane flying over Etihad Stadium reads - "White lives matter - Burnley" pic.twitter.com/Znt723wf5w
Club Statement https://t.co/n2wh8tFlv5
— Burnley FC (@BurnleyOfficial) June 22, 2020
REACTION | "It's clearly unacceptable."
— Burnley FC (@BurnleyOfficial) June 22, 2020
Sean Dyche, the players and Burnley Football Club strongly condemn the actions of those responsible for the aircraft and offensive banner that flew over The Etihad Stadium this evening.
WATCH MORE ➡️ https://t.co/xDATQMw2KO pic.twitter.com/b9QalFTcT8
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