Najveći Borčev talenat: Igram za BiH, od nje bi me mogla odgurati nepravednost pojedinaca

Kapiten reprezentacije Bosne i Hercegovine do 17 godina je istakao kako nastupa za našu selekciju te da bi ga od nas moglo odgurati nepoštenje određenih osoba.
That's not to say there hasn't been interest from the region:
— Serbian Football Scout (@SerbFootyScout) December 10, 2024
'My parents did receive offers from another federation, but as I said, we’re taking it slow.
What matters to me and my parents is that I stay healthy and avoid injuries. Time will show how things will unfold.'
Interview | Matej Deket (2009)
— Serbian Football Scout (@SerbFootyScout) December 10, 2024
Undoubtedly one of the region's most exciting talents - a two-footed, record-breaking forward with a creative side.
Born in Banja Luka, plays for local pride Borac and was recently nominated for the most promising footballer in Republika Srpska.
Deket je postigao 23 gola na svega 13 odigranih utakmica u prvenstvu Bosne i Hercegovine za igrače do 17 godina.