Njemački mediji: Trener Bayerna i Hasan Salihamidžić nemaju dobar odnos kao prije

Njemački Sport1 danas piše kako Salihamidžić insistira da Flick više radi i koristi nove mlade igrače te da ih podigne na nivo igranja za Bayern, a također navode da u svemu trenutni trener Bayerna ima opravdan strah jer će klub na kraju ove sezone napustiti Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, čovjek koji mu od prvog dana pruža bezuvjetnu podršku.
Despite an ongoing contract until 2023, it is 'by no means' certain that Hansi Flick will continue as Bayern head coach beyond this season. There are several reasons for this [@SPORTBILD] pic.twitter.com/CLG3EL5f9W
— Bayern & Germany (@iMiaSanMia) January 27, 2021
The relationship between Flick & Salihamidžić is professional, but not characterized by lasting harmony. Within the club, there's no secret that the two men do not always agree, especially when it comes to the personnel & when evaluating the existing player material [@Plettigoal] pic.twitter.com/bm29zefc8O
— Bayern & Germany (@iMiaSanMia) January 28, 2021