Osmijeh i uzdah koji sve govore: Pogledajte reakciju igrača Newcastlea na himnu Lige prvaka
Ovo je za igrača iz Engleske, a koji je rođen 1995. godine, prvi meč u Ligi prvaka, a koliko je oduševljen onim što donose ovakve utakmice najbolje se može vidjeti na njegovoj reakciji uoči samog početka meča.
These few seconds are so special. His face! A fellow Norfolk boy who made it all the way from Downham Market…to the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE!
— Jake Humphrey (@mrjakehumphrey) September 19, 2023
Its rare in pro sport to get a moment to savour it, I love that Jacob Murphy took that moment. Wonderful.
🖤🤍 pic.twitter.com/Ma2SkHj2Ci
Jacob Murphy was loving it 😍
— Football on TNT Sports (@footballontnt) September 19, 2023
There’s nothing like the Champions League anthem…#UCL https://t.co/V3WKVw9s7P pic.twitter.com/wbcx5WJr1x
Jacob Murphy couldn't keep the smile off his face after hearing the Champions League anthem for the first time as a player.
— ESPN UK (@ESPNUK) September 19, 2023
You love to see it 😁 pic.twitter.com/T7txovwgfc
Već naredne godine je uslijedio transfer u Newcastle, u međuvremenu je igrao na posudbama u WBA-u i Sheffieldu, da bi sada postao standardni prvotimac u svom timu. I kao kruna karijere, zaigrao je u Ligi prvaka.