Robertson je saigrač kojeg bi svako poželio: Mane, ne brini ja ću mu vratiti

Zanimljiv detalj dogodio se krajem prvog i početkom drugog poluvremena susreta u Dohi.
Sadio Mane je dobio žuti karton nakon sukoba s bivšim nogometašem Bayerna Rafinhom. Brazilac je povukao Senegalca, a nakon što ga je Mane odgurnuo sudija je odlučio da pokaže žuti karton nogometašu Liverpoola.
Fucking love Andy Robertson, he’ll ride & die for the Liverpool badge. He’s a captain, leader, hardworker, consistent, funny, reliable & aggressive, all the best attributes in a person.
— 🇸🇳🇪🇬🇧🇷 (@LFCMerchant) December 21, 2019
Our. Working. Class. Hero. 🏴👑🔴
Best moment of the game, Robertson smashing Rafinha 7 mins into second half. Man of his word
— JammyBuck (@JammyBuck00) December 21, 2019
Andy Robertson; Liverpool legend.
— Ricky Kealey (@RicksterScale) December 21, 2019
Giving that Rafinha cheat the verbals he deserved, even after the final whistle. 👏🏻👏🏻💪🏻💪🏻#ClubWorldCup2019 #ClubWC #LFC #WorldChampions