U Brazil stiglo 100.000 navijača Boce, viralan snimak dječaka koji prodaje stvari zbog utakmice

Boca Juniors i Fluminense igraju za najvažniju titulu južnoameričkog nogometa, a susret je počeo u 21 sat. Prethodile su mu nevjerovatne scene koje su priredili gostujući navijači.
Kako prenose Južnoamerikanci, više od 100.000 navijača najslavnijeg argentinskog kluba stiglo je u Brazil kako bi bodrili svoju Bocu. Međutim, samo 23.000 ulaznica dobili su njihovi navijači i tri četvrtine će ih ostati na ulicama Rio de Janeira.
🇦🇷 There is no fanbase in the world more passionate than the Argentine fanbase.
— 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐔𝐥𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 (@thecasualultra) November 4, 2023
The little Boca Juniors fan says he sold his Playstation and his father sold his motorbike to go to Rio de Janeiro, even without having tickets for the Copa Libertadores final. pic.twitter.com/9WFAIgtgZJ
Más de 100 mil fanáticos de Boca Juniors han copado las playas de Copacabana, en Río de Janeiro, con vistas a la final de la Copa Libertadores en el Maracaná.
— Gary Erazo (@GaryErazo11) November 4, 2023
Solo 23 mil tienen entradas y el resto se quedará viendo el partido en la calle.pic.twitter.com/VdSLFrMu9u
Boca Juniors are playing today the Copa Libertadores final, aiming to win the title after a 16-year wait.
— Fede (@lfc_fede) November 4, 2023
Over 100,000 fans are currently at Rio de Janeiro, marking one of the biggest away fan gatherings in the history of football.
VAMOS BOCApic.twitter.com/KvULEkeanQ