Veličanstven gest Reala prema dječaku kojem je stradala cijela porodica, suze je brisao njihovim dresom
Awhida je postao svjetski poznat kada je dao TV intervju u dresu Real Madrida i progovorio o tome šta se dogodilo nedugo nakon zemljotresa.
— SportsDokita (Odogwu ☝️) (@Sports_Doctor2) September 15, 2023
(Humanity Wins Again)
Abdul Rahim Awhida lost his entire family to the earthquake that happened in Morocco.
He lost his father, mother, 2 brothers and his grandfather.
He was recently interviewed wearing a Real Madrid shirt crying after he said…
Real Madrid je odmah zatražio od TV kanala "Al Arabiya" dječakove podatke, te su uspjeli da uspostave kontakt preko ujaka i dovedu ga u klub.
🤍🇲🇦 Real Madrid has already located the Moroccan boy who lost his family in the earthquake.
— Madrid Zone (@theMadridZone) September 14, 2023
🙏 It has been confirmed by the boy himself, who’ll be able to continue studying in Spain thanks to Real Madrid. @jpedrerol
Ovu priliku sada mu daje Real Madrid koji će dječaku omogućiti da postane član njihove Akademije kako bi mu omogućili da igra nogomet, ali i da ga podrže u školovanju.