O godišnjici genocida izvještavali svi ugledni mediji, počast odata širom svijeta

Gradovi širom Evrope obilježavaju danas 23. godišnjicu genocida počinjenog u Srebrenici 1995. godine pa će tim povodom, u terminu od 18 do 19 sati, biti održana manifestacija u glavnom gradu Švedske, na kojoj će biti i učesnici iz Bosne i Hercegovine. Obilježavanje će biti upriličeno, također, u New Yorku, Londonu, Berlinu, Parizu...
Bh. umjetnica s adresom u New Yorku Aida Šehović postavit će, kao i prethodnih godina, umjetničku instalaciju u Cirihu kao znak sjećanja na sve stradale Srebreničane. Prošle godine je njena umjetnička instalacija s fildžanima kafe postavljena u Chicagu.
Povodom godišnjice tragedije u Srebrenici organizirani su događaji i u drugim evropskim i svjetskim gradovima, a vijest o 23. godišnjici i drugim temama vezanim za genocid objavili su: The New York Times, The Voice of America, Haaretz, Star Tribune, De Telegraaf, The Irish Times, TRT World, The News & Observera i drugi.
Osim toga, počast žrtvama genocida u Srebrenici odaju zvaničnici i individualci na društvenim mrežama. Remembering Srebrenica je britanska dobrotvorna inicijativa koja ima zadatak da educira o posljedicama mržnje. Na njihovom Twitter profilu zvaničnici i institucije odaju počast žrtvama.
Well done @Jas_Athwal for doing something in @RedbridgeLive to Remember @SrebrenicaUK pic.twitter.com/AavtNUOy7O
— Khalid Sharif (@londonkal) July 11, 2018
#srebrenica memorial service this morning at 11am in @OxfordTownHall @SrebrenicaUK with my 8372 cards project on display... come along pic.twitter.com/DfuFfk2fno
— KATIE TAYLOR (@bigTangle) July 11, 2018
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
— Souvik Majumdar (@souvik_tw) July 11, 2018
Martin Luther King Jr.#RememberingSrebrenica #Srebrenica #SrebrenicaMassacre @SrebrenicaUK @RemSrebScot @RemSrebNI @SrebrenicaWales @srebrenica_surv
Today is Srebrenica Memorial Day. On this day in 1995 more than 8372 mostly Muslim men and boys were murdered. It was the worst atrocity on European soil since WWII. Thoughts are with their widows, mothers, families and friends. #Srebrenica #genocide pic.twitter.com/d0y2u2QDAf
— Angus Robertson (@AngusRobertson) July 11, 2018
A harrowing read that highlights how inhumane individuals can be. We need to learn from such horrific acts of violence like this and never let this happen again.... there are now only too many examples that suggests we have not learnt a thing from the past which is terrifying!
— Marion Darling (@marion_darling) July 9, 2018
Never forget #Srebrenica
— Ibrahim Kalin (@ikalin1) July 11, 2018
In addition to tens of thousands of Bosniak Muslims murdered, 8372 civilians were massacred on 11 July 1995. It was a genocide to which the so-called civilized world turned a blind eye with impunity.
Never forget! pic.twitter.com/zYAx2v77QJ
I'm flying back to #BiH this morning, but my heart is in #Srebrenica. #NeverForget #NeverAgain pic.twitter.com/1GV3RlmLYl
— Edward Ferguson (@EAFergusonFCO) July 11, 2018
8372 souls of Srebrenica, massacred in an act of genocide. Today we should take time to reflect on that dark part of Europe’s recent history @SrebrenicaUK pic.twitter.com/Lffmpa7P9a
— Stewart McDonald MP (@StewartMcDonald) July 11, 2018
A photo that @WordsAreDeeds and I took while on fieldwork in 2011 that is well worth posting during Srebrenica Memorial Week #Srebrenica #NeverForget pic.twitter.com/lZra8LLV5L
— Dr Mark Vincent (@VincentCriminal) July 10, 2018
Počast žrtvama srebreničkog genocida odata je i na Facebooku, ali i na drugim društvenim mrežama.