Policajac u Atlanti upucao Afroamerikanca, ubistvo izazvalo bijes javnosti i nove nerede
Brooks je, prema informacijama iz policije, ubijen na parkingu jednog restorana jer je policajcu oteo elektrošoker. Njegova smrt izazvala je nove nerede.
“Arrest the cops” being chanted by protesters right now near the Wendy’s where #RayshardBrooks died. pic.twitter.com/oyE3vyny6O
— Matt Johnson (@MattWSB) June 14, 2020
APD has identified the two APD officers involved in the fatal shooting of Rayshard Brooks. (Left) Devin Bronsan has been placed on administrative leave. (Right) Garrett Rolfe has been fired after firing deadly shots. Bronsan joined the department in 2018; Rolfe joined in 2013 pic.twitter.com/kSxekwUhuA
— Michael Seiden (@SeidenWSBTV) June 14, 2020

Guverner Georgije na Twitteru je objavio da je pokrenuta istraga o ponašanju policajaca čije su akcije dovele do smrti 27-godišnjaka.

Brooks je bio otac četvero djece.