Demokrate osudile Bidena zbog napada na Hute bez odobrenja Kongresa: Tvrde da krši Ustav

"Predsjednik mora doći u Kongres prije nego što započne napad protiv Huta u Jemenu i uključi nas u još jedan bliskoistočni sukob.To je član I Ustava. Zalagaću se za to bez obzira da li je demokrata ili republikanac u Bijeloj kući", istaknuo je kalifornijski demokrata Ro Khanna na X-u.
The President needs to come to Congress before launching a strike against the Houthis in Yemen and involving us in another middle east conflict. That is Article I of the Constitution. I will stand up for that regardless of whether a Democrat or Republican is in the White House.
— Ro Khanna (@RoKhanna) January 11, 2024
"Ove vazdušne napade nije odobrio Kongres. Ustav je jasan: Kongres ima isključivu vlast da odobri vojno učešće u prekomorskim sukobima. Svaki predsjednik mora prvo doći u Kongres i zatražiti vojno ovlaštenje, bez obzira na stranku", naglasila je kongresmenka.
These airstrikes have NOT been authorized by Congress. The Constitution is clear: Congress has the sole authority to authorize military involvement in overseas conflicts. Every president must first come to Congress and ask for military authorization, regardless of party.
— Representative Val Hoyle (@RepValHoyle) January 11, 2024
"Ovo je neprihvatljivo kršenje Ustava. Član 1 zahtijeva da vojnu akciju odobri Kongres", smatra ona.
This is an unacceptable violation of the Constitution. Article 1 requires that military action be authorized by Congress.
— Rep. Pramila Jayapal (@RepJayapal) January 12, 2024
The United States cannot risk getting entangled into another decades-long conflict without Congressional authorization. The White House must work with Congress before continuing these airstrikes in Yemen.
— Rep. Mark Pocan (@RepMarkPocan) January 12, 2024
"Američki narod je umoran od beskrajnog rata", poručila je.
.@POTUS is violating Article I of the Constitution by carrying out airstrikes in Yemen without congressional approval. The American people are tired of endless war.
— Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (@RepRashida) January 12, 2024