Izrael: Protesti nastavljeni uprkos sigurnosnim prijetnjama, desetine hiljada ljudi na ulicama

Desetine hiljada Izraelaca izašlo je na proteste u subotu navečer 14. sedmicu zaredom protiv planiranih reformi pravosuđa. Protesti ove subote također su bili fokusirani na loše postupanje vlade u vezi s nedavnom sigurnosnom krizom.
For the 14th week in a row and in the middle of the Passover holiday, more than 100K Israelis protested tonight in Tel Aviv against the Netanyahu government's judicial overhaul plan. Thousands more demonstrated across the country pic.twitter.com/w86CIePxQd
— Barak Ravid (@BarakRavid) April 8, 2023
Trenutno nema informacijama o većim nemirima tokom protesta, a veliki broj policajaca je na terenu i prati sigurnosnu situaciju.
Once again, the anti apartheid bloc at the Tel Aviv protest against the government. Following recent events, the main protest organizers said they “support the IDF”. In this bloc, they’re chanting against police and army crimes against Palestinians pic.twitter.com/EbaF4KwqmP
— Haggai Matar (@Ha_Matar) April 8, 2023