Pilot malog aviona bio je primoran sletjeti na autoput u Minnesoti gdje se sudario s automobilom.
Incident se dogodio u srijedu navečer po lokalnom vremenu na autoputu Interstate 35W. Pilot je uspio spustiti avion koji se sudario s jednim automobilom, ali ozbiljnije povrijeđenih srećom nije bilo.
ICYMI: A plane landed on 35W last night. (Yes, really!)
— Minnesota Department of Transportation (@MnDOT) December 3, 2020
While this isn't *quite* what we mean by a "multimodal transportation system," we're glad no one was injured and are impressed by the pilot's effort to #zippermerge from above! pic.twitter.com/imPdiQ1wMX
Moments after motorists are checking on the pilot. pic.twitter.com/TzhWC2BlvW
— Guy Still (@mplstvguy) December 3, 2020
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