Ostali su samo dugmići i sramota za Putina: Ogromni krater ukazuje na neuspješno lasniranje "Sotone-2"

Oružje, na Zapadu poznato kao Satana-2, Kremlj smatra moćnim oružjem u svom arsenalu. Međutim, vjeruje se da je posljednji incident četvrti uzastopni kvar, što dovodi u pitanje njegovu pouzdanost.
Dijeleći na društvenim mrežama slike Planet Laba snimljene na kozmodromu Plesetsk u oblasti Arkhangelsk, analitičar MeNMyR komentirao je: "Kao što je jasno, test RS-28 Sarmat bio je potpuni neuspjeh.
It appears that Russia tried to its RS-28 Sarmat (Satan II) ICBM & it ended up in complete failure.
— Clash Report (@clashreport) September 21, 2024
— The missile reportedly detonated inside its silo.
— This explosion created a massive crater and destroyed the test site.
— Including this recent failure, there have been at… pic.twitter.com/5VcqFT43VF
My thanks to @MT_Anderson for providing this Planet Labs imagery and allowing me to publish it with comments.
— MeNMyRC (@MeNMyRC1) September 21, 2024
As is readily apparent, the RS-28 Sarmat test was a complete failure. The missile detonated in the silo leaving a massive crater and destroying the test site. The… https://t.co/FuKIaTNFVs pic.twitter.com/AuIpQRrDLa
My thanks to @MT_Anderson for providing this Planet Labs imagery and allowing me to publish it with comments.
— MeNMyRC (@MeNMyRC1) September 21, 2024
As is readily apparent, the RS-28 Sarmat test was a complete failure. The missile detonated in the silo leaving a massive crater and destroying the test site. The… https://t.co/FuKIaTNFVs pic.twitter.com/AuIpQRrDLa
Međutim, govoreći u martu, kijevski vojni stručnjak Oleksandr Kovalenko, iz Grupe informacijskog otpora, opisao je Satanu-2 kao "nepouzdanu i opasnu".
Neuspjeh dolazi nekoliko dana nakon što se Rusija pohvalila da je u utorak uspješno testirala svoju lansirnu raketu Angara 1.2 s vojnom svemirskom letjelicom u istom postrojenju.