Jake snage na terenu
Teroristički napad u Londonu: Tri osobe povrijeđene, policija ubila napadača
D. Be.
Foto: AFP
U napadu u Londonu, koji je okarakterisan terorističkim, povrijeđene su tri osobe, a policija je likvidirala napadača.
Napad se dogodio na jugu Londona u Strothemu kada je nekoliko osoba napadnuto hladnim oružjem. Prema prvim informacijama najmanje tri osobe su zadobile povrede.
3 people stabbed, they're on the floor, not sure if dead or alive, and the responsible had a knife. Fires were shot from the police.#streatham #news pic.twitter.com/sx7HxSDDMc
— Gabriel Vigo (@gabzvigo) February 2, 2020
#INCIDENT A man has been shot by armed officers in #Streatham. At this stage it is believed a number of people have been stabbed. The circumstances are being assessed; the incident has been declared as terrorist-related. Please follow @metpoliceuk for updates
— Metropolitan Police (@metpoliceuk) February 2, 2020
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