Tučnjava Trumpovih pristalica i pripadnika Antife na ulicama Portlanda
Policija je potvrdila da je uhapšena jedna osoba koja je navodno osumnjičena da je pucala iz vatrenog oružja tokom izbijanja sukoba.
Navedeno je i to da su se demonstranti, među kojima su bile Trumpove pristalice, suočili s pripadnicima Antife koji su prisustvovali događaju zvanom "zgazi fašiste".
Individual who fired his gun earlier in the day can be seen at the :23 second mark pointing his firearm at protesters. According to an Olympia Police officer, that individual has been arrested & they are currently investigating the shooting. #Washington #Portland #Protest #fight pic.twitter.com/e4LQFPWb79
— Independent Media PDX (@NDpendentPDX) December 6, 2020
Fight breaks out between Portland/ Washington protesters and counter protesters for Back The Blue and President Trump #Portland #PortlandProtests #Washington #antifa #fight pic.twitter.com/KRePS2L1sT
— Independent Media PDX (@NDpendentPDX) December 5, 2020
Fight breaks out between Portland/ Washington protesters and counter protesters for Back The Blue and President Trump #Portland #PortlandProtests #Washington #antifa #fight pic.twitter.com/eVJfjq1uXS
— Independent Media PDX (@NDpendentPDX) December 5, 2020