Zvaničnici Baltimorea rušenje Key Bridgea nazvali nesrećom: "Urušavanje mosta nije rezultat terorizma"

RE: Francis Scott Key Bridge:
— FBI Baltimore (@FBIBaltimore) March 26, 2024
There is no specific and credible information to suggest any ties to terrorism at this time. The investigation is ongoing. FBI Baltimore will continue to support our partners at the local, state, and federal levels. pic.twitter.com/XwNJhuUtK7
Operacije potrage i spašavanja su u toku u Baltimoru. Spašene su dvije osobe, od kojih je jedna “teško” povrijeđena.
Na konferenciji za novinare, James Wallace, šef vatrogasne službe Baltimora, rekao je da je "najmanje sedam" vozila palo u vodu.
Alejandro Mayorkas, sekretar za unutrašnju sigurnost SAD-a rekao je da sudar na Key Bridgeu ne izgleda kao namjeran čin.
"Nema naznaka da je ovo bio namjerni čin i procjenjujemo uticaje na luku Baltimore", istaknuo je Mayorkas na X.
The @USCG was on the scene along with our state and local partners and is actively involved in search and rescue operations this morning. There are no indications this was an intentional act and we are assessing the impacts to the Port of Baltimore. (2/2)
— ARCHIVED: Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas (@SecMayorkas) March 26, 2024