Inace,..poturcena gamad zaboravljaju da su Balkanom vijekovima vladali Turci, Italijani, Njemci, Madjari
...sad,..postavlja se 2 pitanja
1)jesu li oni sami otisli?
2)ako nisu, ko ih je istjerao?
Ovde se pominje nekakva JNA,..JNA koja je ratovala u kompletnom ratu na cijelom prostoru bivse SFRJ samo na:
a) Vukovaru
b) Kupresu
Takodje cinjenica da Srbija ,..NIJE ratovala ni na jednom prostoru osim 1999-te 78 dana sa NATO,..
..i prema americkoj M.E.A.T ratnoj sluzbi koja procjenjuje ucinak americke i protivnicke armije u bilo kom sukobu,..podatci MEAT-a su porazavajuci po NATO.
Srpska armija nije bila ni ogrebana i za 78 dana i 1500 dnevnih "sorrties"
Srpska vojaska je izgubila MANJE od 1% ukupnog kapaciteta.
Dakle Srbi VOJNO i Srtpska vojska ni jednog momenta nisu bili porazeni od same NATO
To je sam americki i NATO izvjestaj
In 78 days of NATO bombing of Serbia (60% of that time with 1200 sorties per day), country big as Omaha with population of San Francisco, at the end of the war NATO estimated annihilation of Serbian Army capabilities,……It was revealed year after, that a report by the US ‘munitions effects assessment team’ (M.E.A.T.) was suppressed by the chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, General Henry Shelton.
The Shelton report estimate that 140 tanks, 220 armored personnel carriers, and 450 Serb artillery pieces were destroyed in Kosovo. M.E.A.T.'s figures are, respectively, 14, 18, and 20.
A senior British military source conceded that published NATO reports on the bombing were exaggerated and Serbian Army by itself was never defeated or even dented. Less than 1% of Serbian military capabilities were destroyed in 78 days of full NATO war campaign against Serbia.
Kakvo ratovanje 78 dana? Ti sakriven u zemunici, ko kiša kad pada. Jedan oboren i par oštećenih aviona, i to je sve od ratovanja. Sadam husein nije uspio da ratuje sa NATO