@fbUser1563278935 Taj dan državnosti možeš da slaviš i da čestitaš samo na 23% rezervata u federaciji gdje ti je jedino priznat i gdje ste vi tz Bošnjaci jedino većina.
Sa NATOve zvanicne stranice:
Allied Foreign Ministers decided that NATO is ready to accept the submission of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s first Annual National Programme (ANP). The ANP, when submitted, would replace and build upon the IPAP. This programme will focus on political, economic, defence, resource, security and legal reforms and will serve as the basis for practical cooperation and political dialogue between NATO and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
@fbUser1563278935 ...bosnajci nikad nece biti ni u jednom savezu...pogotovu vojnom...bosnajcima kaput kroje srbi i tako ce i ostati...imali ste priliku da se osamostalite i da budete sami i slobodni...niste htjeli....jos gore niste htjeli ni sa hrvatima i hr jer bi odma upali u eu i nato...syebali ste se sad trpite srbe...