During the first year, an iPhone typically loses -23.45 percent of its value, dropping to -45.46 percent of its initial value during the second year. This is quite a big drop, but it's nothing compared to a $700+ flagship Android smartphone, which loses -45.18 percent of its value during the first year, plummeting to -71.41 percent of its initial value by the second year.
Pad cijene od 23% iPhonea je 500KM. Na Iphoneu izgubiš 1500KM za 3 godine, ne izgubiš toliko na Samsungu sigurno!
@uncas Ako ti kupujes telefon da bi ga kasnije prodao za vecu cijenu onda ti nemas dovoljan budzet za taj telefon. Npr ja svoj svaki telefon poklonim nekome u porodici nikad ni jedan nisam prodao.
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