Sve je kriv sistem koji smo toliko željeli, zašto u Yugoslaviji nije bilo ubistava, samoubistava, ili je bio 1 slučaj u nekoliko god na tolikoj teritoriji, zato jer je, sistem bio kako treba, sve jade nam je donio kapitalizam i nejednakost
"There are no reliable data, but it seems likely that in Yugoslavia until 1951 there were as many as 10,000 death sentences, a majority of which were executed. In the same period, there must have been several thousands of death sentences and executions in Serbia." Nisu imali kad jer je drzava vecinu naroda trjebila.
"There are no reliable data, but it seems likely that in Yugoslavia until 1951 there were as many as 10,000 death sentences, a majority of which were executed. In the same period, there must have been several thousands of death sentences and executions in Serbia." Nisu imali kad jer je drzava vecinu naroda.
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