Zuti trokut predstavlja oblik bih,plavo je izlaz na more a zvijezdice su cisti ukras.
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Ne serite o stitu predaji,nevinoscu i sranjima.
zvijezde nisu nikakav ukras nego ise označavaju multi-etničku državu, i koliko je naroda bilo (koji i kako su se izjasnili) toliko je i zvjezdica od dana kada se uspostavila zastava.
Jan Oskar Engene, 5 February 1998
Quoting the press conference by Duncan Bullivant, OHR, 5 February 1998:
There was a question yesterday about the stars and why we have a half star and a three quarter star. The reason for that, I'm informed by the technical experts who designed it, is that the stars are infinite and what is represented on the flag is a continuation rather than a finite number. If you understand that, you're a better man or woman than I am.