dovoljan komentar (jedan od rijetkih pozitivnih) od strane daily mail komentara:
"footballfan44, Birmingham, 20 hours ago
I agree with everyone else you mentioned except for Dzeko...He did not have a good game, he needs more game time but the form of Negredo is making it impossible...its unlucky for him because Dzeko is a incredible goalscorer...Its unfair to say he is lazy, i mean he is not exactly athletic and his job is to score goals and given time he will score, his record proves it ...Negredo is just a different class , he is a manimal...athletic and provides more than goals and assists and is always an active threat..I am Dzeko fan but i know Negredo is a better player through and through..Man City are lucky to have them both and I hope it stays that way..."
ako si mogao to učiniti jednom za Wolsburg (najbolja polusezona ikad)...uradi to još jednom za nas MAHALCE...