In 1895 Eduard Wagner wrote the "Die Bosniaken Kommen" march to honour the k.u.k. Bosnian soldiers, the second Infantry Regiment in particular.
Many Bosnian soldiers from the Second Regiment were killed over 1916 and 1917 in fighting in north Italy during World War I and were subsequently buried in the small village of Lebring-Sankt Margarethen, near Graz, Austria. Since 1917 locals have held a modest memorial service to mark the anniversary of the Battle of Monte Meletti in South Tyrol, only interrupted briefly during the Nazi period. Currently there is a Memorial plaque and a street named "Zweierbosniakengasse" ("Second Bosnian Street") in Graz. The Italians and the Austrians have also erected a Memorial plaque to the role of the Bosnian soldiers in the biggest Italian military defeat of the war. An impassable ridge defended by Bosnian soldiers four kilometers north of Gorizia is now called the "Passo del Bosniaco" (Pass of the Bosnian).
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Ja se apsolutno zgražavam nad vašim pokušajima krađe identiteta, meni je fakat više i muka od likova poput tebe koji meni, BOŠNJAKU govore kako ja trebam da se zovem i kako trebam da se izjašnjavam.
Odlepršaj ti lagano u svoju majčicu Srbiju i tamo širi te laži jer je još jedino Srbija plodno tlo za takve ideologije, i ono što je najžalosnije je da u 21. vijeku vi i dalje živite kao da je 19. vijek, pa hoćete li ikad popustit od te vaše velikosrpske ideologije da mi je znat!? Ne bi vas niko PIPNUO kada bi se držali svojih granica i kada bi makar jednom u historiji počeli POŠTIVATI VAŠE SUSJEDE.