Ultra Europe izmislilo event za ovo. Od organizacije, lokacije te posjećenošću, do naravno više poznatih headlinera. Mada ne kažem da EXIT nije dobar. Samo kažem da je bolja atmosfera na Ultri.
Pa pogledaj malo review-eve ljudi koji su išli na Ultru ove godine šta su sve doživjeli. Od WC-ova u kojima su predozirani ljudi sa špricama ležali nepomično, do vode od 3.5 Eura.
Bolji Poljud od Petrovaradinske tvrđave, koja je 2. najveća na svijetu?
Na EXITu, bez Sea Dance Fest-a u Budvi 185.000 ljudi. Na Ultri nešto preko 100.000.
Argumentuj normalno pa ćemo pričati. LP.
Sa pretpostavkom da znate Engleski, C/P je:
"Hello, I regularly attend festivals every year and I would like to point out that yours is the most peasant I have ever been to. Firstly your crowd control was horrendous; at the gates and inside the stadium, secondly the absence of toilet paper and sinks in the toilets. Next the stupidity of your wrist band payment system, we were not told before the festival that we needed to put money on it and then once in the festival I had to wait half an hour to get to the counter to charge it. Also, the unavailability of water to refill bottles is a lack of human decency and shows your desire not to put on a show for the audience but to make money only. I also can't understand why the ambulance tent had no water and the medical offers we're smoking inside it. Next is the drug control situation, I found two people smacked out on heroin with the syringes laying next to them and your security chose to do nothing about it when I pointed it out, as well as the guy I saw getting carried out by security during David guetta's set who was clearly on his death bed. After that let's look at your lack of money in the production, I could produce a better lights show on my laptop in my bedroom. You obviously put the festival in Croatia so you could cut every possibly corner in every available place and charged people an arm and a leg to experience it. I'm also curious as to why you pay David Guetta so much money to preform a set someone else probably mixed eight months ago. To conclude I hope you never bring your show to Australia because It would disgrace the festival scene there."