Ono što kažu ova nedavna DNK istraživanja ( i to sa različitih naučnih instituta) je da na Balkanu zapravo niti jedan narod nemo neku haplogrupu koja je zastupljena preko 60%.. Evo jednog primjera te izmješanosti: "Y-chromosomal haplogroups identified among the Serbs from Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina are the following: I2a-P37.2, with frequencies of 29.20% and 30.90%, respectively. The frequency of this haplogroup peaks in Herzegovina (64%), while its variance peaks over a large geographic area covering B-H, Serbia, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Slovakia. It is the second most predominant Y-chromosomal haplogroup in the overall Slavic gene pool. E1b1b1a2-V13, 20.4% and 19.80%. In Southeast Europe, the frequency of this haplogroup peaks at the region's southeastern edge and its variance peaks in the southwest of the region. Its high frequency among Kosovo Albanians (46%) is most likely a consequence of genetic drift.. Očigledno,prvo su nastale haplogrupe pa onda narodi, danas izmješani.
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