De malo bolje razmislite....
Ovaj Bozo Vreco je iz Beograda poslat u Sarajevo, negov glavni cilj je da se iskrivi temelj Bosanske muzike "Sevdah", ovo sto on radi nije ni 1% od sevdaha....Istetovirani Bradati Tranvestit pjeva Sevdalinke, to nema nigdje....Sevdalinka je Pjesma Ljubavi i Kulture a ne ovoga sto on radi....Bavim se muzikom, on jeste nadaren Vokalno, ali ovo treba sto dalje od sevdaha nosit, pa makar ga samo slusali a ne pjevali.....Lijep pozdrav
Ajd ne seri, čuj stvorio ovakve unakažene moždane anomalije, on se samo borio za prava običnog čovjeka, da ne bude rob u rukama bogatih, da dobije pravo glasa, da ne bude režimski potlačen, da svi budu ravnopravni. Nama je najgore što nemamo ništa od ovog, političari nas karaju svakodnevno, a još moramo gledati ovu bradatu nakazu. Poz
"For the psychoanalyst Jacques André, from 1789 Robespierre’s public and political life became as one with his libidinal life, of which elements were his sexualization of revolutionary crowds, his unconscious homosexuality and his narcissism"
"The Thermidorians, immediately upon his death, liked to hawk pamphlets detailing Robespierre's wild orgies, although in a few months they erred to the opposite extreme and dubbed him absolutely impotent. The thing that is notable, for all their rampant speculation and slander, no contemporary of Robespierre's ever called him a homosexual. This hasn't stopped historians from ignoring contemporary evidence and making reaching speculations, Jean Artarit going so far as to say that Robespierre's misspelling Lantillette as Languillette (baby eel) in an electoral pamphlet indicates that he wanted to cut off his own penis, presumably to make himself more like a woman."
dijelovi iz knjige "Integrating Private and Public in the Life of Maximilien R