naravno da ne postoji vjera, ali postoji ideologija kojom se pogresno tumaci vjera.
dzihad u islamu, uzmimo za primjer, naredjen je samo u krajnjem slucaju i to kada se bude napadnut, ali nikako ne otpocinjati borbu. biblija, takodjer, jasno kaze "ne ubij", ali kada neko sa nedovoljno znanja, tj. sa poluznanjem (ne kazem neznanjem) tumaci svete knjige i vjerske propise, evo sta se desi.
kada covjek ima poluznanje, on je na granici. pa jedni izaberu put radikalizma, drugi put ateizma. ta dva pojma spadaju pod "poluznanje". neznanje je naravno odabir pogresne vjere ili pogresnog ubjedjenja, a znanje... sami zakljucite
vidi ti tumaca Kur'ana :)) jesi li i ti onaj koji tumaci po svome hiru? haj kad si tako pametan, procitaj sta se dalje kaze nakon tog ajeta, nemoj da ja lijepim ovdje ajete, budi pametan pa sam istrazi
Predstavnik, ti hoces reci da su najpametniji ljudi na svijetu glupi i neznalice, a vjernici koje svoje "znanje" crpe iz tih bajki kao sto su svete knjige najpametniji?
E blago nama s takvim ucenjacima koji to svoje znanje crpe iz glupih vjerskih knjiga koje su pisali idioti koji cak nisu znali ni da je zemlja okrugla, da se vrti oko sunca i da sunce nije nikakav bog nego obicna zvijezda! :)
Sad cu ja tebi da kazem nesto; vjernici su najgluplji ljudi koji postoje, nesto gluplje od toga je tesko i zamisliti.
E vidis to nacisto nije istina, Kuran, kao i stara biblija je pun apsolutno groznih poruka i pravila.
- 8:13 : ko god se suprostavi bogu ili poslaniku ce biti zestoko kaznjen: sto dovodi do situacije poput Charlie Hebdo.
-60:1, 3:118, 3:28, 5:57, 5:51: sve pricaju o tome kako se ne druziti nevjernicima, kako su oni neprijatelji Islama, Kako bilo kakav kontakt snjima treba izbjeci,......
-4:15: nevjerne zene se do smrti moraju ukucu zatvoriti
-4:34: ako zenu ne mozes vratiti na pravi put rijecima, onda je spucaj
-4:89: Smrt je kazna za napustanje bozijeg puta
i naravno najpoznatija
-4:74: onag ko pogine u bitci za boga, njega cekaju ogromne nagrade kada stigne u raj........
Svakako da u Kuranu ima mnogo krasnih poruka, ali sve dok neko ne uradi sa Kuranom sta su uradili sa Biblijom; izbacili vecinu morbidnih pravila, Islam ce ostati alatka kojom ko god hoce diriguje ljudima.
Moderni Islam nije kultura mira i razumjevanja, niti to moze biti sve dok ide protiv slobode govora i slicno..
Ezekiel 9:5 "And I heard God say to the other men, 'Follow him through the city and kill. Spare
no one.'"
Verse 6 "Kill the old men, young men, young women, mothers and children."
Verse 7 "God said to them, 'Defile the Temple. Fill its courtyards with corpses. Get to work!'
So they began to kill the people in the city."
Verse 11 "Then the man wearing linen clothes returned and reported to the Lord, 'I have carried
out your orders.'"
Judges 20:23 "Then the Israelites went to the place of worship and mourned in the presence of
the Lord until evening. They asked him, 'Should we go again against our brothers the
Benjaminites?' The Lord answered, 'Yes.'"
Verse 48 "The Israelites turned back against the rest of the Benjaminites and killed them all,
men, women and children, and animals as well. They burned every town in the area."
Deuteronomy 23:1, 2 "No man who has been castrated or whose penis has been cut off may be
included among the Lord's people. No one born out of wedlock or any descendant of such a
person, even to the tenth generation, may be included among the Lord's people." (A Jew whose
gonads have been removed or whose penis has been surgically cut off to protect the rest of his
body from cancer loses his citizenship among God's "chosen people." In Israel today, any
illegitimate child born of Jewish parents is not permitted to marry there. The fanatic, rabbinical
courts in Israel are supported in part by United States foreign aid tax dollars despite the United
States Constitution's mandate for the separation of religion and state, and these religious courts
control Israel's marriage laws.)
Deuteronomy 23:19, 20 "When you lend money or food or anything else to a fellow Israelite,
do not charge him interest. You may charge interest on what you lend to a foreigner, but not on
what you lend to a fellow Israelite." (This doctrine espoused by Israel's radical rabbis holding
that Israelis may charge usury to a Gentile but not to another Jew is blatant, economic
discrimination based upon religious prejudice. By contrast, U.S. taxpayers have given to Israel
billions of dollars interest-free. See "The Cost of Israel to U.S. Taxpayers," in The Washington
Report on Middle East Affairs, April/May, '93, p.17.)
Deuteronomy 25:11, 12 "If two men are having a fight and the wife of one tries to help her
husband by grabbing hold of the other man's genitals, show her no mercy, cut off her hand."
(This is comparable to the Islamic law that a thief's hand be cut off.)