@Pretobom because I can't live in the past, I want to look forward, and to be able to look forward, there can not be double standards, whoever committed any crimes in the past must stand trail for it..........nor matter who..........and I believe that all of us (meaning each side) have committed crimes, some less some more, but committed it..........I believe that for most of us live is difficult.........no matter where we live.........I believe that nationality is the leas of our problems......
@Pretobom And you are suggesting what now???? to fight again??? to kill again??? to teach our children to hate???? is this what you suggest for a country you do not live in???
@Pretobom I know that nobody is ready to fight .......... because we saw last time that it is just a waste for nothing .......... run, run, run......so schnell wie moeglich, falls es dazu kommen sollte