Each year the international consulting firm Mercer does a survey to evaluate the quality of living in 230 cities around the world. Once again in 2016, Vienna came out on top in the study, making the Austrian capital the world's most livable city for the seventh time in a row.
The survey compares the political, social and economic climate, medical care, education, and infrastructural conditions such as public transportation, power and water supply.
It also takes into consideration recreational offers such as restaurants, theaters, cinemas, sports facilities, the availability of all kinds of consumer goods from food to cars, as well as environmental conditions - from green space to air quality.
Eto kao nije tačno istraživanje!
Obrati malo pažnju oko sebe, pogledaj koliko ljudi u ovom gradu noću a ne rijetko ii danju vade otpatke hrane i od toga preživljavaju. Koliko ti je nezaposlenih, ovi koji rade koliko ih prima platu, penzioneri ti skapavaju i umiru makar 5 godina prije nego bi trebalo jer ne može im doteči ogromna penzija, za bolesnu djecu se u Titovoj desetljeće propis za liječenje i da ne nabrajam a možda si u pravu možda i nije tačan podatak možda smo na 258 mjestu.