Teška borba

Žena smršala 158 kg i imala pet operacija, ali i dalje je ismijavaju zbog njenog izgleda

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Jacqueline Adan je u roku od tri godine uspjela smršati više od 158 kilograma, a imala je i operacije uklanjanja viška kože. Međutim, pored sve muke, truda i rada, njeno tijelo još uvijek ne izgleda onako kako bi ona željela.

Kako kaže, najteže joj je otići na plažu, jer konstantno mora slušati podsmijehe i zajedljive komentare, piše Health.

"Kada bih izašla na plažu u kupaćem kostimu, svi su me gledali i upirali prstom u mene. Da stvar bude još gora, ismijavali su me", kaže Jacqueline.

Upravo zbog toga se odlučila na operaciju uklanjanja viška kože. Međutim, ismijavanja nisu prestala ni nakon nekoliko teških operacija, ali Jacqueline to više ne brine.

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💕Happy Saturday!!💕 I have been getting SO many questions and comments again about my legs again so I thought I would share some info/answer some questions about wha is going on with them! I have a lot of videos on my YouTube channel where I talk all about my latest leg surgery and what is going on with my legs too if you want to check it out! YouTube.com/Jacquelinesjourney The direct link to my channel is also in my bio. 💕 But for now, here we go! 1️⃣ I DO NOT have lipodema 2️⃣ My legs look the way they do from losing 350 pounds and carrying a lot of weight in my legs- that is just how they look after 💁🏼‍♀️ 3️⃣ To have skin removed on my legs it is at least a 2 part process. First step was liposuction on my legs to help take some weight off before we remove skin. (I have a video all about this) 4️⃣ Yes I still have A LOT of loose skin still on my legs (my legs will get worse before they get better) and no set date for next surgery. 5️⃣ I still have pain because the amount of loose skin is so heavy AND now since it will be falling more it might continue to get worse before it gets better. 💕 I hope this helps clear some things up! If you have other questions leave them down below and I can always make another video on some questions all about my legs if you guys want/ still have more questions!! 💕 Hope you all have a great day!!! Sending lots of love to all of you!! Xoxo

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"Ismijavanje se dogodilo i ove godine, dok sam bila na odmoru, ali to me nije pogodilo, niti mi je bilo neugodno. Nisam imala osjećaj da se nekome moram pravdati, niti sam željela plakati. Zapravo sam se osjećala slobodno. Ovog puta me jednostavno nije bilo briga", napisala je Jacqueline na svom Instagram profilu.

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#tbt Disclaimer- this is not me now! I wanted to share this photo again to talk a little bit about my #selflovejourney. For me, it actually took me getting made fun of at the pool in Mexico to fully realize just how important #selflove is. This vacation was the first time I would be wearing a bathing suit in...a very long time. I had lost over 350 pounds, had 2 #skinremoval surgeries and I told myself that I would be brave enough to wear a bathing suit without a cover up. As soon as I took my cover up off and started walking towards the pool, a couple started pointing and laughing at me and putting me and my body down... I froze. In that moment I had 2 choices. 1-I could go running to put my cover up back on and go cry in the bathroom 2-get into the pool. I chose option 2. At that moment I never felt more alive. I was proud of my #hardwork and I was not going to let the opinions of others stop me from living my life. They did not know what I had been through and they do not know what I am going through. They have no right to judge me or laugh at me. So I smiled as I walked past them and got in the pool. I did not allow them to have the power. I had the power. I know how hard I worked to get to this exact moment and no one was ever going to have that power over me again. Yes it hurts, but that does not define me. So...you might be thinking that is great but how does that help me. Well, once I realized that I was the one in control- to #loseweight, make my own choices and decisions, what I feel and say about myself and how I treat others, it was so much easier for me to hold onto that power and just focus on me. No one knows what you are going through. They may have their opinions and judgements and of course they will have their comments, but no matter what, people are always going to have their opinions. You can never please everyone. So stop trying! If you are #happy, and you are making the best choices for you, that is all that matters. If not, you have the power to change it. #nevergiveup on loving yourself. No matter how hard it may seem. Own who you are, and never let anyone take that power away from you!!! #bodypositive #bodyconfidence

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Jacqueline je shvatila da je za nju najbitnije da prihvati sebe onakvu kakva jeste i da se osjeća zadovoljno i sretno.

"Sada sam fokusirana na to da živim najbolje što mogu. Radila sam toliko dugo na sebi da bi me ljudi zavoljeli onakvu kakva jesam, tako da više ne želim trošiti vrijeme na razmišljanje o tome šta drugi misle o meni. Iako se još uvijek osjećam dosta nesigurno zbog svog izgleda i psihički se borim s tim s vremena na vrijeme, napokon mogu reći da se osjećam sretno i da mi nije bitno šta mi drugi govore", rekla je Jacqueline.

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The words “I can’t” “It’s impossible” “It’s too hard” “I will never be able to do it” Are all words and phrases we tell ourselves, or others, when we believe something is too hard, or when we don’t want to put in the work, or when we are not disciplined enough or ready to work hard in order to achieve our goals. The words “I can’t do it” are words I used to say because I was afraid to fail. I let the fear of failing stop me from even trying. But when I finally realized that all I had to do was replace those words with “I can” “I will” “I will do my best” “I will not give up” “It is not impossible” “this may be really difficult and take a long time...but...I can do it” I felt like I could take on the world. When we can switch those words around we send a positive message to our brains and it starts to believe it too. When we tell ourselves “I can’t do it” Your brain will believe you can’t do it..so you won’t. But when you tell yourself “I can do it and I will do it- no matter how many times I may fall down, I will keep standing back up” Your brain will start to believe that instead. When you learn to switch those words around and have more “I can” instead of “I can’t”.....watch what happens. You will be unstoppable! . . . —————————————- #facetofacefriday #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #beavisionary #gymshark #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #perfectlyimperfect #extremeweightloss #obesetobeast #transformation #healthjourney #positiveselftalk #bodypositive #shapesquad #selflove #icanandiwill #anythingspossible #workforit #workforchange

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"Ovo sam ja. Ovo je moje tijelo. Ovo je težak posao, znoj, krv, suze, smijeh, sreća, bol, ljubav i naporan rad", rekla je.

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All I have ever wanted to be is who I am becoming! I am loving every moment, every step of this journey! It’s not always easy, but it is so worth it! ✨✨✨ Kevin and I are home from our friends wedding and it was a very special weekend! Not only did we get to witness two of our favorite people say “I do” but we also were the ones to make the cake and desserts for this special day! 🍰🥂🍪 It was truly a very special weekend! Also- I am smiling so big in this picture, not only because I am truly so happy, but because the cake made it safely, and the stress and nerves were gone and it was time to party!!! 💃 I received so many questions about this dress I wore when I shared some pics on my stories so I have it linked for you guys! It was kinda a last minute find and I am in love! I felt like a pumpkin spice latte 😂 What did you guys do this weekend!?! . . . You can get my outfit details using the @liketoknow.it app and following me there or by using the shop my looks link in my bio or on my blog. I have also linked some similar plus size options as well! #liketkit http://liketk.it/2xmUl ———————————————- #beautyhasnosize #beavisionary #mysf #floraldress #weddingattire #nordstrom #halogen #fallfashion #fallwedding #fallstyle #myjourney #transformation #perfectlyimperfect #falloutfit #plussizefashion #getinmycloset #ootd

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Iza Jacqueline je pet operacija uklanjanja viška kože koje su bile izuzetno bolne, fizički i psihički. No, to nije kraj jer su pred njom još tri operacije uklanjanja viška kože s nogu.