Nakon višednevne zabrane vožnje više od 64.000 ljudi napušta festival u Nevadi

Zbog kiše, koja je pretvorila obično suho tlo Nevade u blato, ulaz na festival je bio zatvoren, a učesnici festivala su pozvani da čuvaju vodu, hranu i gorivo dok se zemlja ne počne sušiti.
Do jučer do 20 sati na snazi je bila zabrana vožnje na tom području, koja je ukinuta, a vlasti su dale uputu posjetiteljima da još pričekaju da se uvjeti na cestama malo poboljšaju.
What is stopping you from partying this hard?#BurningMan #BurningMan2023
— 🌈 Tess T. Eccles-Brown, PhD (@TTEcclesBrown) September 3, 2023
An exodus of vehicles leaves the site of Burning Man in Nevada on Monday, after the roads were reopened. Summer rain turned the annual arts festival into a muddy nightmare. Up to 70,000 people were ordered to stay put as officials closed the roads.
— Voice of America (@VOANews) September 5, 2023
Burning man 2023
— Genesis Watchman Report (@ReportWatchman) September 5, 2023
Event organizers officially lifted a driving ban Monday afternoon and said “exodus operations have officially begun in Black Rock City,” the city that’s erected annually for the event.#BurningMan2023 #event #UnitedStates #extremeweather