NASA je ovom misijom željela testirati svoju tehnologiju planetarne odbrane, a cilj je bio promijeniti kurs asteroida. Na fotografijama se video oblaci materijala koji su nastali nakon namjerno izazvanog sudara letjelice i asteroida.
Check out Hubble’s “after” shots from #DARTMission impact!
— Hubble (@NASAHubble) September 29, 2022
Earlier this week, @NASA intentionally crashed a spacecraft into Dimorphos, a non-threatening asteroid moonlet in the double-asteroid system of Didymos, in a test of planetary defense: https://t.co/pe2qeFDYoS pic.twitter.com/VQ5X1pQlEy

Fotografije su snimili teleskopi Hubble i James Webb, a to je ujedno prvi put da su dva teleskopa istovremeno snimala isto nebesko tijelo.
Speed, I am speed.
— NASA Webb Telescope (@NASAWebb) September 29, 2022
Observing the #DARTMission impact with Webb was a unique challenge. The target moved over at a speed over 3 times faster than the original speed limit Webb was designed to track! In the weeks leading up to the impact, teams carefully tested for success. pic.twitter.com/XGpTsMg0Ab
Here is one from Hawaii https://t.co/ULbGTF4fM8
— Thomas Zurbuchen (@Dr_ThomasZ) September 29, 2022

NASA će nastaviti pratiti Dimorphos i njegovog pratioca Didymosa kako bi ustanovila efekte misije DART.