Američka učiteljica izazvala delirijum među učenicima pogodivši najteži šut u košarci

Kathleen Fitzpatrick, svojim učenicima poznata kao gospođa Fitz, obećala je svim učenicima toplu čokoladu ukoliko uspije pogoditi koš s drugog kraja terena.
This teacher is going down in history as a legend 😂💙
— CCTV_IDIOTS (@cctv_idiots) December 24, 2021
"U slučaju da vam treba dokaz da su učitelji superheroji", napisala je škola na društvenim mrežama i videosnimak je ubrzo postao popularan na društvenim mrežama.
Ms. Fitz threw a Hail Mary and promised all the 3rd graders hot chocolate if she made the shot. Well, God was looking out for her ... 😉 🙏🏽Frigid last week of school, here we come!12/23 ADDENDUM: We are overwhelmed by the messages and comments we have received and feel blessed that Ms. Fitz gave us permission to share this video, which has brought a smile to so many people all over the world. Many people have asked us if they can donate to the school. We gratefully accept donations of any amount and will use all of them for student financial aid and scholarships and to support the The Father McKenna Center, which provides services and shelter to our homeless neighbors. Please go to to donate or send a donation via Venmo to HTS-Georgetown. Thank you, and keep spreading joy! Sincerely, Holy Trinity School, Georgetown#ADWCommUNITY #hailmaryshot #hailmary #basketball #hailmaryball
Posted by Holy Trinity School Georgetown on Sunday, December 19, 2021
Dalje su iz škole istakli kako su preplavljeni porukama i komentarima koje su primili nakon što je videosnimak dospio u javnost, a da su ponosni na ono što je njihova učiteljica uspjela.