A. Izetbegović"Nema ništa gore od glupog vjernika" Quran 41:53 Mi ćemo im pružati dokaze Naše u prostranstvima svemirskim, a i u njima samim, dok im ne bude sasvim jasno da je Kur’an istina. A zar nije dovoljno to što je Gospodar tvoj o svemu obaviješten?
Muslims, centuries ago, believed the earth was a spherical object in motion. Al Ghazali for example, in his "Incoherence of the philosophers" brings this up in one of his arguments; he discusses the rotations of spherical bodies in space, and this is what? A thousand years ago? They knew, because the Qur'an says about the sun, the moon and the earth:
"kullun fi fallakin", meaning; "all are in an orbit", with "kullun" meaning three or more objects. It does not mean "both". So that includes the earth with the sun and the moon. "Fallakin" refers to a wheel spinning around its own axis. So all of these bodies in space are going around their own axis, and furthermore, going around some other central point in space.