Kakav opservatorij, NE PETLJAJTE SE U BOŽIJE !!!
A. Izetbegović"Nema ništa gore od glupog vjernika" Quran 41:53 Mi ćemo im pružati dokaze Naše u prostranstvima svemirskim, a i u njima samim, dok im ne bude sasvim jasno da je Kur’an istina. A zar nije dovoljno to što je Gospodar tvoj o svemu obaviješten?
Muslims, centuries ago, believed the earth was a spherical object in motion. Al Ghazali for example, in his "Incoherence of the philosophers" brings this up in one of his arguments; he discusses the rotations of spherical bodies in space, and this is what? A thousand years ago? They knew, because the Qur'an says about the sun, the moon and the earth:
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