Ovakve pijane ne mogu potisnuti nazad, stq bi bilo da ne piju? Jos plus pomoc zapada. Sta bi tek bilo da Kina, Iran i ovaj dio Sirije makar malo pomognu rusima. Nisam vala ni na jednoj strani jer je rat i ginu ljudi, al vrijeme je da putin napadne ukrajinu sa svim silama
US should de facto grant a veto to any nuclear power over US national security policy. Kremlins strategy in Ukraine disproportionately depends on the West accepting these premises, making Russia vulnerable to changes in Western perceptions. Russian dependencies give the West opportunities to exploit or dismantle Russias capability to sustain the war against Ukraine.
Russia depends on the will of others more than many people realize. A lot of Russias capability to sustain the war in Ukraine is not inherent and is, therefore, vulnerable. The Kremlin acquired some of its capabilities by force, manipulation, or by exploiting Western resources and sanctuaries.Russia depends on basing in Belarus to attack Ukraine from the north. Russia depends on foreign trade routes and intermediaries to smuggle sanctioned goods.