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Četverominutno pumpanje bicepsa na kraju treninga daje maksimalan rast mišića
Završavanje treninga sa pumpanjem bicepsa jedna je od aktivnosti koja pruža najviše zadovoljstva u svim treninzima snage. Za maksimalni rast mišića fitness trener magazina Men's Healtha predlaže četverominutno pumpanje bicepsa.

Ebenezer Samuel kaže kako se mišići ruku za četiri minute vježbanja toliko napumpaju da rijetko ko može izdržati duže pumpanje.

On dodaje kako raznolikost pokreta čini ovu vježbu posebno efikasnom. Kao što možete vidjeti u videu, vježbu radite tako što se prsima naslonite na podignutu klupu i potom radite pregib s bučicama. Radite kombinaciju podizanja tako što ćete prvo bučicu podizati s dlanom okrenutim prema gore, a potom bučicu nakrivite s dlanom prema prsima.

Samuel također naglašava kako je potrebno fokusirati se na pravilno držanje tijela i stiskanje bisepsa.

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Super-deceptive bicep workout driven by disciplined half-fulls: we are using constant-tension principles and challenging positional discipline to coax growth from our guns here. The technique polishing in this workout will also translate back to improved training responses in more traditional bicep workouts (if you’re not lazy with it). This is also a great way to get a strong pump from light weights: I don’t move a combined load over 80 pounds in this entire session and still struggled. Rules of the game: 1) EZ bar half-fulls: 4 sets of 8-10 reps. Three keys here. First, the constant tension...don’t come to full extension at the bottom of the rep. Then that pause ...essentially each set occurs in a state of constant tension, with added stress at parallel-to-the-ground, a position that really challenges your bicep. (Each half-full counts for 1 for this whole workout.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) half-full dumbbell hammer curls. 4 sets of 8-10. Same deal with that halfway pause here. You’re not in a state of constant tension though; your off arm relaxes when the single arm is working. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) half-full spider curls: these will rock you. Focus on getting those dumbbell heads fully parallel to the ground at halfway (same with your forearms). Don’t come quite all the way down at the bottom of each curl, either. 3 sets of 8-10 reps. Finish with 2 sets of super-patient 21s. #fitness #training #biceps #armday #everydayisarmday

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S obzirom da trening ruku može često biti dosadan zbog čega postaju nemotivirani oni koji žele postići rezultate, Samul pojašnjava kako su raspoređeni setovi iznimno dobri za trening bicepsa.

Fitness stručnjaci tvrde kako je tokom vježbanja bitno stalno osjećati tešku kontrakciju bicepsa, a četverominutno pumpanje na kraju treninga dovodi do nevjerovatnih rezultata.