Ishrana i trening

Težina nije presudna: Dame pokazale kako su s više kilograma uljepšale tijelo
Foto: Twitter
Foto: Twitter
Težina nije presudna stvar za dobar izgled, što potvrđuju brojni primjeri. Proteklih dana na društvenim mrežama je aktuelno postavljanje fotografija pod hashatagom #ScrewTheScale na kojima ljudi pokazuju transformacije svog tijela koje nemaju veze s kilažom.

Ukoliko i sami istražite Twitter, Facebook ili Instagram, naići ćete na mnoštvo pozitivnih fotografija na kojima su brojne dame i momci uz nekoliko kilograma više, ali stalno vježbanje i zdravu ishranu, postigli odlične rezultate na svom tijelu.

Rezultati zdravog života najvidljiviji su kod žena koje su pokušale smršati, ali su na putu do odlične figure dobile nekoliko kilograma. Zdravom hranom učinile su svoj stomak ravnim, a treningom su popunile mišiće i zategnule tijelo. Mišić je tokom vježbanja postao teži od sala, što je rezultiralo time da su dobile nekoliko kilograma. Međutim, to apsolutno nije utjecalo na krajnji rezultat.

weight shouldn’t really mean anything but ive included it to make a point - that skinny doesn’t equate to happiness. also don’t think ive ever shared the pic on the left before... I remember taking it as a progress shot tho after a few months of starting my “fitness journey”. it was very early 2016 & id lost about half a stone !!! (half a stone I didn’t need to lose lol) so was a bit underweight. I was basically just restricting my food and running a lot, hence why I have minimal muscle/strength. I genuinely fell into the trap of thinking if the weight on the scale went down id be happier and have the physique of my ~dreams~. little did I know lol. very silly and incorrect. thankfully I got out of the negative restrictive cycle, learned to lift weights, fell back in ❤️ with food and gained some much needed weight and never looked back. also discovered that *fitness* does more than just change your body and started looking after my actual health too rather than just chasing a certain “look”. admittedly my transformation might not seem like the most dramatic of things but sometimes it’s not about that. and also I think ive managed to grow a fair bit of muscle for a smol person, increase my strength and am mentally in a far better place - which is the most important thing IMO. also slowwww and steady wins the race ☺️🤗 happy sundays 💛 . #transformation #fitnessprogress #fitnesstransformation #transformationtuesday

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Mnoge dame su uz objave fotografija napisale koliko se bolje osjećaju nakon promjene načina života. Svi koji žele postići slične rezultate, preporučuju stručnjaci, ne trebaju se fokusirati na brojanje kalorija i zalogaja koje pojedu.

Uz savjete trenera nije mnogo teško naučiti kako pravilna ishrana i trening jačaju mišićnu masu i tope salo. Stoga, ako želite promjene, motivaciju možete pronaći u brojnim primjerima na društvenim mrežama.